2.4 File System
If you read the internal SD card in your computer, you can access the complete contents of the
module. With the Fame Editor you can now easily adjust the internal presets, copy new sounds to the
storage medium and, if necessary, make backups, making the management of FAME sounds just as
simple and unproblematic as the handling of digital photos, MP3s or Office files.
You can change the folder structure according to your own ideas and preferences in order to structure
your file storage system according to your individual needs. With regard to the display size of the
Fame Hybrid Pro module, it is recommended not to use long folder names and not to create too many
layers for the sake of clarity.
On the main level you will find the following files:
User KIT Bank; your personal KIT and UNIT settings are stored in
this file.
Factory settings are saved in this file. This file is required to
restore the factory settings.
Operating system of the Fame Hybrid Pro.
Module-wide configuration file; KIT Bank independent settings are stored
in this file..
: Indexing file required for Mac operating systems.
The folders contain the Fame sound files in DSND format and the playalongs in WAV format.
Do not format the SD card completely, otherwise the module will be unusable. You can
delete or replace all files without any problems, but if the SD card is formatted, the module will be
If there is a file with the name
on your delivered module, please replace it
with the file
This file is available for download on our homepage.