5.Hi-Hat Setup
Please note: If you use the Fame Hybrid Pro with the included hi-hat, it is already
calibrated. These instructions are valid for off-brand hi-hat pads and fine tuning:
The hi-hat is the most complex instrument in a drum setup. The FAME Hybrid PRO offers you the
greatest possible flexibility to use as many hi-hat pads and controllers as possible from different
manufacturers. However, this flexibility also means that the setup of the hi-hat on the FAME Hybrid
PRO has to be done in more detail. However, the setup and calibration is usually only done the first
time the pad is used.
If you follow these instructions step by step, you will easily master the hi-hat setup.
Connect the hi-hat pad and, if necessary, the optional hi-hat controller to the corresponding inputs on
the module.
Then call up the MIXER-UNIT-HCAL menu page. Please note that this page is only displayed if the hi-
hat channel is selected. Either select the hi-hat channel manually using the channel buttons or tap the
hi-hat pad.
Now select which hi-hat you have connected
all common hi-hat types and brands
2BOXHH 2BOX DrumIt Five Hi-Hat
ALEHH Alesis Crimson Hi-Hat-Controller
Now change the RAW value so that it matches the connected pad. Use a screwdriver to turn the small
recessed screw on the back of the module (HH Cal). The following values are average guide values.
Depending on the desired playing feel, you can freely adjust these values.
Yamaha 850-900
Roland 800-850
Alesis 830-880
2BOX 600-650