Selecting Events/Status specifies that the recipient should receive an email message
containing the event-related notification and the two file attachments (as described
above), each time an event notification is sent.
Event Filter
This allow administrator to select the way to filter the email by Severity or by Event.
Event Level
This allow administrator to select the event level if the Event Filter is by Severity.
Event Level
As Administrator, you are allowed to select the severity level of notification you wish to
send to each Mail Account configured to be sent Mail Type: Events or Events/Status. This
filter is based on the SNMP-based traps (events) and allows selection of Informational,
Warning or Severe. Refer to the MIB documentation included with the adapter for more
If the Event Filter is by Event, administrator can select which trap should be sent by each receiver.
PPPoE Setup
This page lets the Administrator to set PPPoE configuration in the USHA.
IP Address
This field allows to set the IP address of USHA when user dialing into USHA using a modem.
User Name
This field allows the administrator to set the specific user name for the user that allows to access
the USHA via PPPoE.
This field allows the administrator to set the authentication password of the associated user.
PPPoE Router Control
This field allows the administrator use router to authenticate the PPPoE connection.
Syslog Setup
This pages contains the related setting for configuring Syslog protocol.
Server Control
Enable/Disable Syslog server.