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If You are able to detect a specific sound component (f.i. a
specific instrument or frequency) giving bad results on the
final output, try to identify the band or the bands involved and
try to reduce their LIMITER Thresholds. Use the SOLO
MODE control provided in each band in order to easier identify
the specific contribution of that band to the final output.
If live speech is fed at the input, test how the various Speech
Detector modes (included in the SE block) alter the voice
‘colour’. In the event an external Voice/Mic Processor is used
or music only is processed, select MODE 1 or turn it OFF.
NOTE: the MODE 1 is the only mode completely ‘flat’ (that is,
it doesn’t alter the original freq balance in the audio to be
processed), while other MODE profiles change speech
Factory presets have been designed in order to react in a quite slow manner to all level variations of input
signal. However, the final user may alter that behaviour at any moment. It is advisable to to test the chosen
Preset in ‘extreme’ conditions, i.e. when the audio program to be processed contains very low music levels
or very high levels. If faster reaction to those audio contents is desired, modify the AGC WINDOWS and
AGC RELEASE parameters.
It is also advisable to increase the Thresholds of AGC Gate (GateThr) and MULTIBAND Gate parameters
(the latter one being inside the SE block) in order to help the Agc stage in freezing the lowest levels not to be
HINTS AND TIPS: if You have reached a pleasant trade-off between sound components with a very good
loudness having as a reference Your preferred Hi-Fi domestic tuner, amplifier and speakers set and the
result is significantly different when a car-radio or a small transitor is used instead, perhaps You exagerated
in ‘pumping’ very low freqs (below 100 Hz) or very high ones (10 Khz or over). In one word, it is
recommended to create Your own processing Presets having as a reference/target a specific tuner type
(home, car, portable, etc), likely the most used by the majority of Your listeners.
As a reference, the so-called ROCK Presets done in the factory are as much ‘universal’ as possible (that is,
they do not suffer when reproduced on small loudspakers or poor performance systems), while the HOT
ones have significant enhancement on low and high freqs and could not fit every sound reproduction system.