Use and maintenance manual
page 12 of 16
In case several units are joined to each other:
The tunnel sides with fixing fins going down may not require the folding of the corresponding
telescopic supports because, if joined to tunnels on the side with fixing fins looking up, they will be
supported by other tunnels, provided that the telescopic supports of the latters are open (See Pic.1
and 2). The advantage of this option is the possibility to position the units of the tunnel where there
are obsticles which, otherwise, might impede the opening of the supports. This guarantees the
contunuity of a certain route. However, the manufacturer recommends to use all the supports
wherever it is possible in order to increase the stability of the tunnel.
Pic. 2
Examples of joining the tunnels with closed telescopic supports: Pic. 1 the fixing fins direction is downward
on the short side on the right of the tunnel in gray, so it is supported by the fixing fins of the tunnel on the
left which has fixing fins going upward and the telescopic supports all open laying on the ground. Pic.2 the
tunnel on the right has the long side with the fixing fins downward and it is supported by the short side of
the tunnel on the left which has the fixing fins upward and the telescopic supports all opened laying on the