Welder Completely Dead – No AC or Weld
Make sure welder is at proper speed=3600RPM. Unplug all external connections. A
shorted weld cable or generator accessory plugged in can cause the welder not to build
up. Several components can cause the welder to stop functioning completely. This is
mainly in the excitation circuit. Consisting of armature (rotor), Excitations Bridge (left
bottom corner) and auxiliary winding. Check the resistance of the auxiliary winding
by removing the two purple wires from the Excitation Bridge located at the left bottom
corner. The reading should be about 1.5ohms. Check the resistance of the armature
between the two slip rings – this should be 22ohms. Remove all wires for the left
bottom Rectifier Bridge and test for continuity between the terminals. Again, you
should get a high and low reading. If those three main components test out ok, try to
flash the armature with a 24volt circuit. A p p l y 1 2 v o l t s t o t h e s l i p r i n g
f o r a b o u t 2 0 s e c o n d s .
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