TM2 X TT-50
- UP/DOWN: to open/close awnings, blinds, etc.
Awning: UP closes and DOWN opens
Blind: UP opens and DOWN closes
- MIDDLE POSITION: you can have an intermediate position as well as the limit-switch up
and down positions. For example, you can program a position of the blind which avoids
refl ection on the television or on the computer monitor. The middle position is initially set
by the installer according to your requirements. It can be modifi ed afterwards referring to
this instruction manual (see INFORMATION FOR THE INSTALLER).
- Light ON/OFF autom. System: Automatismo Luce ON/OFF, serve per attivare/disattivare
il sensore luce. Comando abbinabile solo alle tende da sole e solo in presenza di controllo
climatico TM2 X SW. Vedi anche istruzioni TM2 X SW.
sequence of the scenarios automatically activated at pre-set times during the day.
Each day is linked with a name which can be customized by the user. Up to
10 different
can be created.
any motor linked with the TM2 X TT-50 remote control. Each device is linked
with a name which can be customized by the customer (e.g. kitchen, bedroom, terrace)
and with a type (blind, awning, etc.) which clearly indicate which element of the house or
of the offi ce they refer to (e.g.: blind-living01 refers to the fi rst of the 2 blinds in the living
room). It is possible to create a maximum of
50 different devices.
group of devices which can be activated at the same time. Each group is linked
with a name which can be customized by the user and with a type (blind, awning). The
name and the type clearly indicate the related device group (e.g.: blind-1st fl oor, for all
blinds on the fi rst fl oor). Devices can only be grouped by type: in a group of the “Awning”
type, only Awning devices can be inserted. In a “Blind” group it is possible to insert only
blind devices. It is possible to create a maximum of
16 different groups.
When a motor is installed, the maximum opening and the maximum
closing positions are set. They are the so-called “limit switches” and avoid damage to the
motor and to the components. The opening and closing positions are initially set by the
installer according to your requirements. Generally, it is not necessary to re-set the limit
switches. In case of problems, contact your installer.
by creating a scenario, it is possible to associate specifi c actions with
specifi c devices or groups, according to your requirements. For example, if you create the
“Morning” scenario, you can associate the UP action with all the blinds in the bedrooms.
If you create an “Evening” scenario, you can have them closed (down). Each scenario can
be activated manually or be inserted in the daily programming by associating it with the