Become comfortable with operating the system. Practice moving the boom in and out
and unspooling and spooling the winch cable. With the winch cable become familiar
with re-spooling the wire rope with the tension necessary to rewind evenly without the
wire overlapping.
Step 5:
Now that you are familiar with the controls, press and hold the “Boom Out” button to
lift the boom arm out of the bed and over the cargo.
Ensure that the winch is positioned directly over the cargo so that the cable drops
down directly over the load to prevent swinging as it is hoisted from the ground. A
swinging load could cause injury and or property damage.
For larger loads it might be necessary to remove the tailgate in order to correctly posi-
tion the winch above the load. Failure to do so may cause damage to your vehicle or
the cargo.
Step 6:
With the boom arm and winch now centered over the load, depress the “Hoist Down”
button to lower the wire rope’s hoist hook into position for attaching to the load.
Keeping tension on the wire cable while it unwinds will prevent slippage of the wire
cable once the load is attached.
Never wrap the wire cable around the load. Use a nylon sling or metal chain to secure
the load to the hoist hook. Wrapping the wire rope around the load and hooking it
back onto itself can damage the cable and create a potential safety hazard.
Never attach a sling or chain link on the tip of the hoist hook or attempt to lift from the
tip of the hook. Make sure that the nylon or chain is properly seated in the hoist hook
Step 7:
With the load now attached, press and hold the “Hoist Up” button. Slowly take up
any slack in the wire rope until it becomes taut. Keep tension on the wire cable during
this process and insure that the rope spools evenly across the drum. Stop. Recheck all
lifting connections before proceeding to lift the load.
Step 8:
When convinced that all lifting connections are secure, slowly hoist the load off of the
ground high enough to clear the truck bed floor.
Step 9:
Depress the “Boom In” button to move the load over and into the truck bed. Use the
“Hoist Down” button to unspool the wire rope just enough to keep the load low, just
slightly over the truck bed. Once the load is in its desired position release the “Boom
In” to stop the boom arms.
Step 10:
Slowly lower the load onto the truck bed by depressing the “Hoist Down” button un-
til the load is resting safely and securely in the truck bed.