Page 18
Owner’s Manual and Service Guide
Read all of manual to become thoroughly familiar with this vehicle. Pay particular attention to all Notes, Cautions and Warnings
To prevent battery damage, be sure that
all battery caps are tightly installed.
The correct cleaning technique is to spray the top and
sides of the batteries with a solution of sodium bicarbon-
ate (baking soda) and water. This solution is best applied
with a garden type sprayer equipped with a non metallic
spray wand. The solution should consist of 1/4 cup (60
ml) of sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) mixed with 1 1/2
gallons (6 liters) of clear water (Ref Fig. 21 on page 18).
In addition to the batteries, special attention should be
paid to metallic components adjacent to the batteries
which should also be sprayed with the sodium bicarbon-
ate (baking soda) solution.
Allow the solution to sit for at least three minutes; use a
soft bristle brush or cloth to wipe the tops of the batteries
in order to remove any residue that could cause the self
discharge of the battery. Rinse the entire area with low
pressure clear water. All of the items required for com-
plete battery cleaning and watering are contained in the
E-Z-GO Battery Maintenance Kit (P/N 25587-G01).
Cleaning should take place once a month or more often
under extreme conditions.
Prolonged Storage
The battery charger, controller and
other electronic devices need to be
disconnected since they will contribute to the premature
discharge of batteries.
During periods of storage, the batteries will need atten-
tion to keep them maintained and prevent discharge.
In high temperatures the chemical reaction is faster,
while low temperatures cause the chemical reaction to
slow down. A vehicle that is stored at 90° F (32° C) will
lose .002 of specific gravity each day. If a fully charged
battery has a specific gravity of 1.275, and the battery is
allowed to sit unused, it will become partially discharged.
When it reaches 1.240, which it will do in less than
twenty days, it should be recharged. If a battery is left in
a discharged state, sulfating takes place on and within
the plates. This condition is not reversible and will cause
permanent damage to the battery. In order to prevent
damage, the battery should be recharged. A hydrometer
can be used to determine the specific gravity and there-
fore the state of charge of a battery.
In winter conditions, the battery must be fully charged to
prevent the possibility of freezing. (Ref Fig. 22 on page
19) A fully charged battery will not freeze in temperatures
above -75° F (-60° C). Although the chemical reaction is
slowed in cold temperatures, the battery must be stored
fully charged, and disconnected from any circuit that
could discharge the battery. For portable chargers, dis-
connect the charging plug from the vehicle receptacle.
For on-board chargers, disconnect the charging harness
from the batteries. The batteries must be cleaned and all
deposits neutralized and removed from the battery case
to prevent self discharge. The batteries should be tested
or recharged at thirty day minimum intervals.
Fig. 20 Automatic Watering Gun
Watering gun similar to the type included in the
E-Z-GO Battery Maintenance Kit
Pure Water
Valve consistently
fills to a
Single Battery Cell
Fig. 21 Preparing Acid Neutralizing Solution
1 1/2 gallons
(6 liters)
Clear Water
1/4 Cup (60 ml)
Sodium Bicarbonate
(Baking Soda)
Non Metalic
2 gallon (7.5 liter)
Garden Sprayer