Before it downloading files from the FTP server, Eyezone B1080P-5 will delete all contents on CF card
except the file on the CF card and the FTP server are the same.
9.2.1 Manual Download Function
Please confirm that the Eyezone B1080P-5 is already connected to the network. (Refer to 7.1
Network Setup)
Please use the“
”button to select the “DOWNLOAD” item, and press “ENTER” button. The
Eyezone B1080P-5 will connect to the FTP server and download files automatically.
Before download files, Eyezone B1080P-5 will delete all contents on CF card first.
The pop-up window that shows the status of download and the screen saver will appear while the
Eyezone B1080P-5 is downloading files. After finishing downloading files, the Eyezone B1080P-5
will display the files automatically.
Screen Saver
9.2.2 Auto Download Function
If there are more than one Eyezone B1080P-5, you can use ftp tools to divide them into different
regional group.
For example.
Use the ftp tool “Serv-U” to divide into three groups, and setup the “User name”, “Password” and
“FTP port number” of three groups for login ftp server.
Group 1: User name: ipmedia/ Password: 0000/ FTP port number: 21
Group 2: User name: ipmedia2/ Password: 1111/ FTP port number: 21
Group 3: User name: ipmedia3/ Password: 2222/ FTP port number: 21
FTP tool
Serv-U Setup “User name”, “Password” and “FTP port number”
Enter the “Remote FTP Download Setup” window of Eyezone B1080P-5, and then type the same
“User name (User ID)”, “Password” and “Port”. The Eyezone B1080P-5 in group 1, please type the
“User ID: ipmedia”, “Password: 0000” and “Port: 21”.
Please enter the “Network Timer NTP” window of Eyezone B1080P-5, and set up the “Download
Time”, then the Eyezone B1080P-5 will download all the files from the FTP server at the designated
NOTE: The filename of the media files in FTP server cannot have any spaces.