User Manual MUT_RD_009H_GB Page
of 43
It is intended for use by public or private sector ophthalmologists who specialize in the treatment of glaucoma
or cataract (for combined cataract/glaucoma treatment). The ophthalmologist is trained for the use of the
appropriate protocols.
In addition, the present User Manual supplied the EyeOP1 Control Unit is available to the user, detailing the
treatment procedure.
The trained ophthalmologist may be assisted by a nurse or intern in performing the treatment preparation
and monitoring during the treatment procedure.
Treatment session
A treatment session corresponds to the treatment of one eye, the therapy probe being set up with
appropriate parameter configuration. The treatment must be prescribed by a qualified physician.
Anesthesia (general, local or topical) must be performed on the patient before the treatment session.
The patient must lie on his back (supine position) and remain still throughout the treatment so as not to shift
the coupling cone and therapy probe out of position.
The physician or operator using the medical device must be present throughout the treatment and carefully
supervise the patient.
Pre- and post-treatment
Recommendations concerning hypotensive and anti-inflammatory medications
Recommendations concerning post-treatment follow-up