MGP Pro Series • Remote Configuration and Control
Ethernet Port
The rear panel Ethernet connector on the MGP Pro can be connected to an Ethernet LAN
or WAN. Communication between the MGP Pro and the controlling device can be via
Extron DataViewer or Telnet (a TCP socket using port 23). The Telnet port can be changed,
if necessary, via SIS (for information on connecting via Telnet, see
Connecting as a Telnet
on page 108).
The Ethernet connection makes SIS control of the MGP Pro possible using a computer
connected to the same LAN or WAN. The SIS commands and behavior of the product are
identical to the commands and behavior the product exhibits when you are communicating
with it via a serial port.
Ethernet Cable
The Ethernet cable must be properly terminated for your application as either a straight-
through cable or a crossover cable (for pin assignments for these cables, see
on page 8).
Default IP Addresses
To access the MGP Pro via the Ethernet port, obtain the IP address of the unit (and the
subnet mask and gateway address if needed) from your network administrator. If the IP
address has been changed to an address comprised of words and characters, you can
determine the actual numeric IP address using the ping (ICMP) utility (see
IP Addressing
page 105 for more details). If the addresses have not been changed, the factory-specified
defaults are:
IP address:
Subnet mask:
Gateway address:
Communication Software
There are several programs that enable you to connect the MGP Pro to a computer
or control device via the RS-232 or RS-422 interface, and to enter commands. Extron
DataViewer is one such program that is commonly used on PCs. In addition, the MGP Pro
has a Windows-based control software program that is available through the RS-232/422
port, the front panel Config port, or via Ethernet (see the MGP Pro software help file for
information on using the software to configure the MGP Pro).
For any program that you use, set up communication using the following protocol:
Baud rate:
Stop Bits:
Data bits:
Flow Control: