24. Mount the motor using the supplied 3mm black socket head cap bolts
which are threaded into the blind nuts which are pre-installed in the motor
mount plate. Be sure to put a drop of blue Loctite onto each bolt to prevent
them from backing out. Be sure to add some CA to all motor box joints.
25. For quick, easy and accurate mounting of the cowl we recommend the
following method. Tear 4 short pieces of masking tape from a roll. Place each
piece of tape on the side of the fuselage so that each piece corresponds with
one of the 4 cowl mounting tabs. Use a fine tipped marker to mark the
location of the center of each mounting tab. Roll the tape back and slide the
cowl into position. Install an Extreme Flight 52mm spinner onto the motor
shaft for reference and once satisfied with the cowl position roll the tape back
into place and secure the cowl. Use a 1/16" drill bit to drill a hole at the
location of the dot on each piece of tape. Remove the tape and secure the cowl
with 4 of the included small wood screws that have large heads. Very simple!