If the tool is used in an area where there is static dust,
then this dust may manifest itself as damaging and
present a hazard. The following applies:
- Risk assessment should include the dust created during
the use of the pneumatic tool and the potential of exis-
ting damaging dust.
- The exhaust must be setup in such a manner that the dama-
ging effects of dust in a dusty environment are minimised.
- If hazards result from dust or dust extraction, the priori-
ty must be to reduce them at the point of their emission.
- Exposure of unprotected hearing to high levels of noise
may cause permanent, incapacitating hearing loss and
other problems such as tinnitus (ringing, humming,
whistling or roaring in the ears).
- For these hazards, the basic requirement is the assess-
ment of risks and implementation of suitable measures
for managing these hazards.
- Suitable risk reduction management methods may
include measures such as noise dampening materials
preventing the resonance of workpieces.
- Suitable hearing protection must be used.
- The tool must be used and maintained as recommended in this
user‘s manual to prevent unnecessarily increasing the noise level.
- In the event that a noise damper is included with the tool,
then an inspection must always be performed to ensure
that the damper is functioning at the location of use and
during the use of the tool in proper working order.
The values L
and L
provided in the technical specifi-
cations are characteristic values relating to the tool and
do not represent the noise generated in the location of
use. The noise at the location of use will, for example,
depend on the work environment, the workpiece, support
of the workpiece and the number of driving operations.
The design of the workplace may also serve to lower
the noise level, for example by placing workpieces on
dampening supports (see also ISO 11690-1).
The declared vibration emission level value is
a characteristic value related to the tool and does
not represent the effect on the hand-arm limb du-
ring the use of the tool. Any effect on the hand-arm
limb during the use of the tool will, for example,
depend on the pressing force, contact downward
pressure, work direction, power source settings,
workpiece and support of the workpiece.
- The basis is information related to the performance of
the assessment of the risks arising from these hazards
and the implementation of appropriate measures for
their reduction.
- Exposure to vibrations may result in incapacitating damage
to nerves and blood circulation in hands and arms.
- When working in a cold environment, warm clothing
must be worn and hands must be kept warm and dry.
- In the event that the user feels dullness, tingling, pain or
whitening of the skin on fingers or hands, he/she must
seek out medical advice from qualified healthcare profe-
ssionals taking into consideration the overall activities.
- The tool must be used and maintained as recommen-
ded in the user‘s manual to prevent unnecessarily
increasing vibration levels.
- The tool must be held with a light but safe grip, since
increased gripping force will generally increase vibrati-
on related hazards.
- Compressed air may cause serious injury.
- When the tool is not being used, the air supply must
always be shut off and the tool must be disconnected
from the air supply.
- The tool must always be disconnected from compressed
air supply before the replacement of accessories or
performing adjustments and/or repairs, when leaving
on working area and moving to another work area.
- When working with the tool or when moving from one work
location to the next, fingers must never touch the trigger.
- The user must never point the current of compressed air
air at themselves or at anybody else.
The following applies:
- The tool must be held in the correct manner: the user
must be ready to handle normal as well as sudden
movements such as recoil.
- It is necessary to maintain a balanced body position and
a safe stance.
- Suitable personal safety glasses or goggles must be
used, and suitable gloves and protective clothing is also
- Suitable hearing protection must be worn.
- The correct power source must be used, as prescribed in
the user‘s manual.
- The user‘s manual must prompt the user to use the
tool properly. It must contain information about which
applications are permitted and which are not and asso-
ciated hazards such as performing work on the back of
a trailer, on moving platforms, etc.
- Operating instructions must warn of hazards related to
selective triggering.
When using the tool for extended periods of time, the user
may be exposed to discomfort of hands, arms, shoulders,
neck or other parts of the body.
The following applies:
- When using the tool, it is recommended that the user
maintain a comfortable yet ergonomic position. It is
recommended to maintain a safe stance and to avoid
inappropriate positions or positions where the user is
out of balance.
- If the user starts suffering from symptoms such as
permanent or repetitive discomfort, pain, tremors, tin-
gling, desensitisation, burning feeling or stiffness, then
these warning symptoms should not be ignored. The
user should consult this with a qualified healthcare pro-
fessional taking the overall activities into consideration.
- The manufacturer must provide information about
residual hazards that pertain to repeat work hazards
such as the duration of use with respect to the work
positions and forces, and this information is available in
EN 1005-3 and EN 1005-4.
- A risk assessment should focus on muscle problems/
problems of the locomotory system and primarily based
on the presumption that the reduction of problems is posi-
tively influenced by the reduction of fatigue during work.
The following applies:
- The user‘s manual must specify the prescribed accesso-
ries and consumables.
- Prior to replacing accessories such as the safety contact
mechanism or when making adjustments, it is nece-
ssary to disconnect the power source, such as air, gas
vessel or batteries or battery packs.
- It is necessary to only use the size and type of accesso-
ries provided by the manufacturer.
- Only lubricants recommended by the manufacturer may
be used.
- The specifications of the joining components that may
be used must include the minimum and maximum
diameter, length and characteristics of the joining com-
ponents such as dimensions (calibre) and angle.
The following applies:
- Slipping, tripping and falls are the main causes of injury
at the workplace. Beware of slippery surfaces caused
by the use of tools and also of the danger of tripping on
hoses carrying compressed air.
- In unknown locations, movement should be performed
with care. There may exist hidden hazards such as
electrical wiring or other utility lines.
- This tool not intended for use in potentially explosive
environments and is generally not insulated against
contact with live electrical conduits.
- The workplace must be checked for electrical cables,
gas pipes, etc., which could present a hazard as a result
of the pneumatic tool being used.