ExRobotics B.V.
ExR-2 Robot
Operating Guide
Document No.:
Version No.: 2
Ian Peerless
Page 33 of 39
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Copyright 2022 ExRobotics B.V.
How much data will the robot transfer over its wireless connection?
When the robot is
“asleep” it transfers around 1GB of data per month.
During a mission most of the
data is consumed by the video streams. This typically amounts to 1 GB per hour.
Untick the “keep awake” box when the robot isn’t being used. This will shut down the cameras an
gas detectors that use most of the 4G bandwidth. Re-ticking the box will wake the robot.
How long will the robot’s batteries last?
In operation this depends on usage and the age of the batteries. However, the life of a full battery
pack will usually lie between:
2 hours
if a robot’s driven continuously.
hours if it’s static with its sensors on (but no lights).
Usually, a robot should be stored on its docking station when not in use so it will be charged via its
induction charger. However sometimes this isn’t possible (e.g. during transport).
Although this should be avoided, ExR-2 robots will automatically shut-down if the battery voltage is
too low. This protects the batteries which should be undamaged unless the robot isn’t connected to
a charger within 2 weeks.
Never leave the quick charger connected to the robot but not to a power supply. This will reduce a
full b
attery’s life to 6 weeks even if the robot is switched off.
Sometimes the 3 batteries in a robot’s battery pack become “unbalanced” and battery life declines
significantly. They may be re-generated as described in Section 8.5.
Why am I surprised by the battery level reported by the cloud software?
ExR-2 robots have a chip that calculates battery charge percentage based on power used. In most
situations this will be accurate. However, if the robot is switched on after the quick charger has
been plugged into the robot the battery percentage will always be reported as 0%.
How do I refresh my control screen?
If your control screen does
seem to be displaying the correct information try pressing “F5” on
your computer’s keypad.
Why does my robot “drift” to
the left or right
Track deformation can cause a robot to drift to the left or right although you think you’re driving
straight. You’ll need to c
orrect its course. Autonomous navigation automatically makes these
Why have I experienced unexpected behaviour while operating a robot?
If this occurs:
Press F12 immediately after the event occurs.
Click on the "Console" tab that appears.
Right click somewhere in the console window and select "Save as..." from the Context menu.