EX9132C-2-MTCP • Manual Version 1.1 • 21.09.2015
Page 19
Socket type
TCP Server: TCP protocol, passive open, to be connected from the TCP clients.
TCP Client: TCP protocol, active open, connect to the TCP server specified below.
UDP Client: UDP protocol, connectionless.
Remote IP address
Server IP address of the TCP Server or UDP Client (in TCP Server mode leave empty or set to “”).
Remote socket port
Port of the TCP Server or UDP Client (in TCP Server mode leave empty or set to 0).
Interface of serial I/O
TxD, RxD for data stream, no flow control
RS232 (RTS/CTS):
TxD, RxD for data stream, RTS/CTS for flow control.
Baud Rate: 300, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200, 230400 bps
Parity, Data bits, Stop bit
Parity: None, Odd, Even, Space, Mark.
Data Bits: 5, 6, 7, 8.
Stop Bit: 1, 2.
Force off-line time
Force off-line time will close the socket port if no data is transmitting for a certain time (1 - 255 minute).
Packet Collect Time
The converter will buffer data or the serial port (Rx and Tx) until a specified time (Packet Collect Time: 1
- 999 milliseconds) no data will be transferred or the buffer is full. Then the data will be send in one
Serial I∕O Port 1 (RS232/RS422/RS485)
This converter provides one RS232/RS422/RS485 port for connecting the serial devices.
Local Port ∕ Socket Mode ∕ Remote IP & Port
This converter provides 1 socket port for the serial connection.
Port number
Socket port assigned for the serial port. It’s a 16-bit number in the ranging from 1 to 65535. The
numbers below 1000 are reserved for special protocols (e.g. 80 is for HTTP protocol), we suggest to use
a number larger than 1000. By default 4660 is used for the serial communication. However it is possible
to use any other number for each serial port.
Socket type
TCP Server: TCP protocol, passive open, to be connected from the TCP clients.
TCP Client: TCP protocol, active open, connect to the TCP server specified below.
UDP Client: UDP protocol, connectionless.