2) Switch the selector slide switch on the unit’s control module to the right toward
the 12-pin secondary harness (see diagram or the markings on the control module).
3) Adjust the tach signal by starting the engine and turning the right adjustment screw on
the control module slowly clockwise until the indicator LED lights solid.
4) Test the operation by remote starting and checking that the indicator LED slights solid.
The starter engagement is long enough for the engine to start, but without grinding. If
needed adjust the crank time by turning the adjustment screw clockwise for more signal
sensitivity and counterclockwise for less.
20-Gauge Yellow/Green Wire:
( - ) OEM Disarm Output
Connection If Needed.
If needed, the Yellow/Green wire allows the unit to disarm a
20-Gauge Green/Red Wire:
( +/- ) Glow Plug Input
Connection If Needed.
The Green/Red wire allows the unit to be used with diesel
engines, operates only if programmed (feature #13) and is also polarity-programmable.
Connect the Green/Red wire to the wire in the vehicle which powers the glow plugs, or the
wire which illuminates the “Wait To Start” light on the instrument panel. When connected,
the unit will not engage the starter if the Green/Red wire has +12 Volts; in other words,
using this wire simply delays the unit’s engagement of the starter. If the “Wait To Start”
light in the vehicle has a Negative switching circuit, change the position of the White “Glow
Plug +/- Select” Jumper on the module to reverse the Green/Red wire’s polarity input.
1) Connect the Black/Yellow wire to the vehicle's tach wire, which is found in the
engine compartment, although in many cases it may also be located inside the ve-
hicle. To use a multimeter to verify the correct tach wire, set it for AC Volts scale. The
correct wire will read 1 to 6 volts AC at idle, and will increase with engine speed.
The unit indicates its exit from programming mode by turning off the Status
Light. If it is allowed to time out, the ATV display shows the number of operating
transmitters for 10 seconds afterward.
Exiting Transmitter Programming Mode: Simply allow the unit to time out of the
programming mode, by not transmitting for 15 seconds; or, turn the ignition “Off” to exit
4) Within 15 seconds press the next transmitter’s button.
The Status Light turns off and the parking lights flash once.
Repeat this action for each remaining transmitter.