Blend applesauce with cardamom,
cinnamon, or nutmeg.
Pour onto drying sheet. spread evenly.
Place tray in dehydrator for 6-8 hours at 125˚F.
Dehydrate tomatoes at 125°F for 8-12 hours or until
desired texture.
saute onions in olive oil until translucent. Remove from
heat. stir in raw spinach. Add half the Parmesan. stir
in pesto, ricotta, sunflower seeds and seasonings. Mix
thoroughly. Grease 9” x 13” dish. Place layer of noodles
on bottom. spread 1/3 of filling on noodles then 1/3
mozzarella. Add dried tomatoes. Repeat ending with
noodles, mozzarella and Parmesan. Drizzle with olive
oil. Bake 40 minutes at 350°F. serves 8-10.
Apple Pie Leather
with Leftover Apple sauce
Vegetarian Lasagna
cardamom, cinnamon or nutmeg.
1 cup mined onion
1 pound fresh spinach
2 tbsp olive oil
1/2 to 1 cup dried tomatoes
1/2 cup grated Parmesan
1 cup basil pesto
2 cups ricotta cheese
1/2 cup toasted sunflower seeds
24 cooked lasagna noodles
1/2 pound grated mozzarella
1-2 tbsp extra olive oil
salt and pepper to taste