CAHB -20 s eries
Adjustable end stop (S design only)
The smart CAHB-xS are delivered with the end stop accord-
ing to the retracted length and the stroke length of the actu-
ator (see the ordering key). If the application on the equip-
ment or the vehicle request an adjustment of the retracted
and extended length, a simple and safe learning procedure
by the 2 motion inputs or by CAN bus will memorized the re-
quested lengths.
Monitoring and Diagnostic
(S design only)
The key parameter of the actuator like current, voltage and
environmental data like the temperature are tracked and re-
corded in case of over specification. The diagnostic is avail-
able through the bus communication , so onboard if the ac-
tuator is connected to an Electronic Controle Unit, ECU, by
the CAN bus or off-board if the CAN bus is connected only
during overhaul and maintenance of the equipment or the
Bus communication (S design only)
A bus communcation CAN bus SAE J1939 equipped all
smart CAHB-2xS actuator. It could be used to have ad-
vanced control of the actuator like go to a position or oper-
ate at a lower speed but also to read the monitoring and get
the diagnostic.
Parallel motion option (S design only)
A set of actuator could be defined as a group of actuator
that should work at the same length during the complete
motion until the stop. A command to any actuator of the
group will be enough if all actuators were predefined. All ac-
tuators will monitor their relative position and will decide to
follow the slowest actuator. No downgrade speed perfor-
mance, the movement will run at the fastest speed depend-
ing the load.
Position, speed and force control.
The CAHB2-xS can receive a command by CAN bus to con-
trol the length set in 0.1 mm, a specific speed set in % of the
maximum speed and maximum force set in N. The move-
ment will be monitored to follow the command including a
soft start and soft stop to perform a smooth movement.
Thermal protection
The thermal switch built-in the motor will switch off the
power of the motor in case of over heat of the motor. It will
automatically reset when the temperature decreases.
Overload or more frequent operating the actuator over the
maximum duty cycles defined on the data sheet would lead
to motor overheating.
To prevent damage from overheating when the actuator stop with
a high motor temperature, do not restart the actuator but wait until
the temperature decreases.
Automotive vent
The vent allows the equalization of the pressure inside the
actuator when it is operated, that will insure an optimum us-
age of the sealing system
CAHB-2xE version
Fig. 12
CAHB-2xE version
Fig. 13