(8.12) USE OF OpTiONAL
Not supplied as original equipment. All accesories
can be purchased from Evolution power Tools. See
‘Additional Accessories’ section.
A Dust Bag can be fitted to the extraction port at the rear of
the machine. The Dust Bag is for use when cutting wooden
materials only.
• Slide the Dust Bag over the dust extraction port, ensuring
that the spring clip grips the port holding the Dust Bag
securely in place.
(Fig. 41)
For operational efficiency empty the Dust Bag when it
becomes 2/3 full. Dispose of the contents of the Dust Bag in an
environmentally responsible way. It may be necessary to wear a
dust mask when emptying the Dust Bag.
A workshop vacuum extraction machine can be
attached to the dust extraction port if required. Follow the
manufacturers instructions if such a machine is fitted.
Do not use the Dust Bag when cutting
metallic materials.
Extraction port blanking plug
Use the blanking plug in place of the dust bag when cutting
steel based materials.
Extraction port adaptor tube
Use the Adaptor Tube to connect the extraction port of the
machine to suitable commercial workshop vacum extraction
equipment (not supplied) which have Ø30mm internal bore
hoses or inlet ports.
(Fig. 42)
Workpiece Support Bars can be fitted to either
or both sides of the machines base as required.
• Right Hand side. Loosen the support retaining screw located in
the top front of the machines base.
• Insert the workpiece supports bars into the retaining holes in
the base. Push fully home to ensure positive location.
Approximately 75mm of the Workpiece Support Bar
should slide into the base to provide positive location.
• Tighten the retaining screw.
• Repeat the above for the Left Hand side.
To remove a Workpiece Support Bar, simply loosen the relevant
retaining screw and slide the Workpiece Support Bar from the
machine. Store safely for future use.
(Fig. 43)
The use of the Repeat Stop can greatly aid the operator when
conducting repetitive cutting operations. When many pieces
of material all cut to the same length are required, use of the
Repeat Stop can assist accuracy and efficiency.
Fitting the Repeat Stop
• Loosen the Repeat Stop thumb screws sufficiently to allow
the arms of the Workpiece Support Bar to slide through the
holes in the Repeat Stop.
• Position the Repeat Stop approximately half way along the
Workpiece Support Bar, and tighten the thumb screws to
minimize any movement.
• Attach the Workpiece Support Bar to the machine base as
previously detailed.
By loosening the thumb screws the Repeat Stop can
be adjusted to the required distance from the saw blade for
repetitive cutting operations etc. The Repeat Stop can be fitted
to either of the Workpiece Support Bars but normally will be
positioned to the Right Hand side of the blade.
Extraction port Blanking plug (if supplied)
Use the blanking plug in place of the dust bag when cutting
steel based materials.
Extraction port Adaptor Tube (if supplied)
Use the Adaptor Tube to connect the extraction port of the
machine to suitable commercial workshop vacuum extraction
equipment (not supplied) which have ø30mm internal bore
hoses or inlet ports.
Fig. 41
Fig. 42
Fig. 43