EVGA Z270 Classified – K (134-KS-E279)
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The steps for replacement below assume you have already contacted EVGA Customer
Support and have received a pre-flashed replacement chip directly from EVGA.
Locate the housing for the chip on the
motherboard. It should be located on the
right side below the RAM, about halfway
down the board. The chip will NOT be
plainly visible, but under a set of gray
plastic doors that keep the chip in place.
There is a circular mark on the bottom
right that is used for alignment (Circled in
RED). Please keep in mind that this chip
and inserting
the replacement backwards will cause
immediate failure of the motherboard and
BIOS chip, including the potential for fire
or smoke from the socket.
As a tip, the doors will only close
correctly if the chip is inserted
correctly. If the chip is in
backwards, the door will not fully
close without force, which will
cause warping or damage to the