In the image below you see the default Ethernet settings of the camera. This can be adjusted to your
network preferences
DHCP: Enable/Disable
Enable DHCP if the camera is connected to a DHCP router that dynamically grants an IP address,
netmask, gateway, and DNS. When DHCP is disabled you would need to manually set the IP address,
netmask, gateway, and DNS.
HTTP Port: 80
This is a standardized Port number to communicate between webclients and webservers. We suggest
not to change this unless you have specific reasons.
RTSP Port: 554
This is the communication port used to stream the RTSP stream to any RTSP receiving hardware or
software. We suggest not to change this unless you have specific reasons.
Visca over IP: 52381
This is the port number used to communicate PTZ commands over IP. This important if you want to
control the camera with our Windows controller application, PTZ Controller and Bitfocus Companion.