USER’S MANUAL - CBC-5 ba ery charger
Please read the instruc#on manual carefully before using this charger.
Input: 220-240V AC, 50Hz, 600 mA max
6V DC, 0.8A
12V DC, 0.8A / 3.8A
Charge termina on voltage: 7.3V / 14.4V /14.8V (+/-0.3V)
Efficiency: 75-80%
Compa ble ba6ery types: 6V/12V - VRLA, AGM, VLA, SLA, WET, GEL, LEAD ACID
Capacity range: 1.2-14 Ah for 6V ba6ery, 1.2-120 Ah for 12V ba6ery
Opera ng temperature: -10..40°C
- fully automa c, mul -stage charging modes,
- LCD display with ba6ery voltage indicator,
- microprocessor controlled, u lizes pulse charging technology to prolong ba6ery life,
- ability to recharge virtually up to 100% of ba6ery's ini al capacity,
- automa c recovery mode for deeply discharged 12V ba6eries,
- reverse polarity protec on,
- overheat protec on,
- short-circuit protec on,
- overcharge protec on with precise charging voltage cut-off,
- different opera ng modes for various ba6eries with different voltage and capacity,
- output cable integrated with ring terminal connectors,
- crocodile clamp connectors equipped with a snap-on moun ng system,
- addi onal charging mode for charging 12V ba6eries in a cold environment.
Package contents:
- everAc ve CBC-5 ba6ery charger,
- user's manual,
- 1x set of crocodile clamp connectors,
- 1x set of ring terminal connectors.
- 2 years limited warranty, for details please contact your retailer,
- the charger shall be used according to this manual,
- if the charger was proven to be defec ve, it will be repaired or replaced,
- warranty does not affect and is in addi on to legal (statutory) rights under applicable na onal
laws rela ng to the sale of consumer products.