Ever Cool Ltd, Viglen House Business Centre, Alperton Lane, London HA0 1HD
Tel: 020 8601 7157 Fax: 020 8997 0395 Web: www.evercoolltd.co.uk E-Mail: [email protected]
Company Registration No: 6096265 Company VAT No: 809764984
9. Installation - Water Unit
Connecting up and filling with water
Position the unit as near as possible to the equipment to be controlled
Connect the “water inlet” at the back of the unit to the factory mains or chilled
water supply and the “drain outlet” to a drain, using suitable hoses (refer to
the drawing of rear panel hose connections).
Check that the process circulation and external pipework is clean and free
from lime or particulate matter which could reduce heat transfer or damage
the pump. Clean out if necessary. Connect the “to load” and “from load”
connections at the back of the unit using hoses which MUST BE SUITABLE
for operating temperature and pressures as follows:
– HOSE RATING (minimum) = 150°C AND 6 BAR
Ensure that the panel mounted isolator is switched off, the front panel is
hinged at the bottom and will swing forward and down.
Connect the terminals of the unit’s mains isolator to a suitable electrical
supply (check serial plate at back) by means of an appropriately rated power
cable and connect the earth. Electrical connections must be carried by a
professional personnel.
If external isolation valves have been fitted, open them to admit mains water
to the unit. Also ensure that all connections to process and drain are open.
In normal condition the pump will run in a CLOCKWISE direction when viewed
from the front through the motor vent. If the pump is running in an anti
clockwise direction swap two phase connections over.