Locating Your Grill
Your Gas Grill is manufactured for outdoor use on
monoxide while in operation and the gas should n
monoxide while in operation and the gas should n
Never operate this grill indoors (inside your home
When locating your grill, choose a safe outdoor lo
surfaces and out of traffic paths.
Consult your local codes for possible additional re
As your grill uses gas, it requires air to burn prop
as to obstruct the flow of combustion and ventilat
When possible adjust your grills’ position to red
When possible, adjust your grills position to red
Combustible materials should never be within 1000
your gas barbecue. Built in barbecues must only be
combustible surface such as concrete or bricks with
This appliance shall only be used in an above groun
without stagnant areas where gas leakage and produ
without stagnant areas, where gas leakage and produ
dispersed by wind and natural convection. Any enclo
comply with one of the following:
Within a partial enclosure that includes an over
Within a partial enclosure that includes an over
the following shall apply-
(i) at least 25% of the total wall area is complete
(ii) At least 30% of the remaining wall area is op
It is important for the proper operation of the
( )
An enclosure with walls on all sides, but at leas
no overhead cover. In the case of balconies, at l
wall areas shall be and remain open and unres
nly! Any grill, charcoal or gas, produces carbon
not be allowed to accumulate in a confined area
not be allowed to accumulate in a confined area.
e or recreational vehicle or any enclosed area).
cation away from flammable or combustible
estrictions on location or operation of your grill.
perly. Do not locate your grill in such manner or
tion air around the grill.
duce the likelihood of wind blowing onto it
duce the likelihood of wind blowing onto it.
0mm overhead and 250mm from the back or sides of
installed by an authorized person on a non
nd open-air situation with natural ventilation,
ucts of combustion are rapidly
ucts of combustion are rapidly
osure in which the appliance is used shall
rhead cover and no more than two walls.
rhead cover and more that two walls,
ely open; and
pen and unrestricted.
e grill that it be located on a level surface.
st one permanent opening at ground level and
least 20% of the total of the side, back and front
and 1000mm overhead, refer to page
combustion air clearances of
mm sides
, 120mm