2110182-10-02/20 (Translation of the original operating instructions)
Operating Instructions
Non-Contact Safety Switch CES-A-C5H-EX
4. Explosion protection safety concept
In order to achieve the explosion protection stated, all the conditions in the operating instructions
must be met. HIGH RISK product.
Devices with ATEX rating may be operated only with actuators that also have an ATEX rating for
the same zone.
Use connection components and connecting cables from EUCHNER.
The connecting cable must be laid such that it is protected against mechanical damage.
In addition, a mechanical barrier is to be provided on the connecting cable as per EN 60079-14,
section 9.3.9 to prevent flame propagation from the non-potentially explosive atmosphere to the
potentially explosive atmosphere.
II 3G Ex ic ec IIB T5 Gc X
II 3D Ex ic tc IIIC T90°C Dc X
… Gc X
= All the electrical connections must either be isolated from the mains supply by a safety transformer according to
IEC 61558-2-6 with limited output voltage in the event of a fault, or by other equivalent isolation measures (PELV).
… Dc X
= To prevent electrostatic charging, do not subject the switch/actuator to any processes that generate a large
amount of charge.
Safety switches with ATEX identification marking from EUCHNER are not safety devices as defined by the ATEX
The specified type of protection ic applies only to the integrated reader module. The electrical circuits in the device connec-
tion (M12 plug connector) are not intrinsically safe!
In case of mounting on heating/cooling sources, the permissible ambient temperature (see technical data) must be observed.
To avoid electrostatic charging, the protective plate must be grounded via the grounding terminal with a conductor cross-sec-
tion of at least 4 mm².
Protection against mechanical effects on the switch: to achieve the indicated explosion protection, it is essential the pro-
tective plate supplied is mounted (ESD protective paint).
On use in potentially explosive atmospheres, there is a danger of explosion due to electrical sparks.
Never connect or disconnect connector when live.
If damage or wear is found, the complete switch and actuator assembly must be replaced. Replacement of individual parts
or assemblies is not permitted.
5. Exclusion of liability and warranty
In case of failure to comply with the conditions for correct use stated above, or if the safety regulations are not followed,
or if any servicing is not performed as required, liability will be excluded and the warranty void.