Grand Hall Limited Warranty
All warranty work must be authorized by Grand Hall through a Work Order in order to be eligible for payment, as
described in the
Limited Warranty and Service Policies Guide
What’s covered by the Limited Labor Allowance
Covered: Labor incurred for the completed repair or replacement of a component or product that has failed due
to a manufacturing defect in the component or product.
What’s not covered by the Limited Labor Allowance
Not covered: Corrections due to failure to follow installation instructions in the
Operator’s Manual
; resettable
error codes not caused by a component or product failure; adjustments made on a product or component
that should have been checked at time of installation, such as (but not limited to) insufficient or excessive gas
pressure; repair or replacement resulting from misapplication of the product, such as (but not limited to) under-
sizing, wrong gas type, use with non-potable water; and damages resulted from mishandling, transit, natural
disasters, electrical surges and/or Acts of God.
Grand Hall is not responsible for any labor charge incurred on non-warranty work performed by the contractor.
Warranty Periods
Warranty Periods for Heat Exchanger
The warranty period for the Heat Exchanger expires upon the first of the following events to occur:
Contractor’s Authorization Level* Repair or Replacement Labor Allowance - Part Replacement Labor Allowance-Entire Unit
Unregistered Installer
F.A.C.T. Registered
F.A.S.T. Registered
1. 15 years for Residential use;
2. 5 years for Commercial use;
3. 365,000 total ignition cycles*
* No more than 300 ignition cycles in any one day, which averages to about one cycle every 5 minutes.
Note: GU100 models are solely for Residential use and the warranty is voided if used for Commercial use.
below for "Commercial" and "Residential."
Warranty Periods for other Components
Product Warranty: The maximum term of the limited warranty on parts, other than the Heat Exchanger, is three (3)
years from date of purchase. Grand Hall offers an extended warranty for parts, other than the Heat Exchanger, of
two (2) additional years, free of charge, if the product is registered online at www.eternalwaterheater.com.
Warranty Period for Labor Allowance
Labor Allowance: The term of the limited labor allowance is one (1) year from date of purchase, paid through Work
Orders issued to authorized contractors, as described in the
Limited Warranty and Service Policies Guide
(Factory Authorized Contractor Trained) – A licensed contractor who has been through the basic
installation class held by either an Eternal Sales Representative or Grand Hall factory personnel, who has
registered his/her company on the Eternal Dashboard system, and who has passed the authorization test.
(Factory Authorized Service Trained) – A licensed contractor who has already received his/her F.A.C.T.
authorization and ID, who has elected to take the higher level training class provided by Grand Hall including a
step-by-step product breakdown, and who has passed the authorization test.
Improper Installation
– Product not installed in accordance with the instructions set forth in the
, including but not limited to usage of non-approved materials or plumbing connections, use of dielectric
unions, improper venting, failure to follow local codes, or improper gas supply.
– Product installed on a job where the hot water usage is not in line with product’s primary
intended function: to supply sufficient potable domestic hot water in accordance with the factory performance
and installation specifications set forth in the
Operator’s Manual
, including but not limited to: undersized system
where product cannot meet peak demand, plumbed in manifold with another brand of water heater, disregarding
Grand Hall sizing recommendations, power venting with air intake exposed to contaminated environment,
closed-loop recirculation for heating applications where water is no longer potable, mismatching models of
product in networked applications, or uncontrolled recirculation that causes short-cycling not in accordance with
product lifecycle specifications.