Master/Slave Operation
When similar fixtures’ DMX or data connections are linked together and there is no external DMX
signal going to them, one fixture automatically controls all other fixtures in the chain when a Preset or
Sequence is initiated.
M a s t e r
Master is the one fixture that controls all fixtures in the daisy chain. By default, it is whichever fixture
had its Preset or Sequence selected or adjusted most recently. The Master fixture can only control Slave
fixtures to produce identical output at the same time as itself. The Master fixture cannot control Slave
fixtures to operate individually or to run chase-type or time-offset sequences.
Changes and edits to Presets or Sequences that are made to the Master fixture may be copied to the
internal memory of all Slave fixtures for later use when these fixtures are disconnected from the data
daisy chain.
When operating as the Master fixture, the fixture displays Master on its home screen.
Figure-4.30 Master fixture displays Master on home screen
S l a v e
A slave is any fixture in the data chain that is being controlled by the master fixture. By default, all
fixtures are slaves, except the one that had its Preset or Sequence altered most recently. A Slave fixture
can only directly imitate the performance of the Master fixture.
When operating as a Slave fixture, the fixture displays Slave on its home screen.
The Diagnostics menu provides access to detailed information about various aspects of the fixture’s
performance. Diagnostics also provides access to test functions and fixture recalibration. Much of the
Diagnostics menu is used by service technicians to troubleshoot problems.
From the home screen, press [
] to open the Main Menu.
Scroll to Advanced Settings.
Press [
Figure-4.31 Selecting Diagnostics on the Advanced Menu
Preset 1 is Active
System OK
No Sequence is Active
Studio Prt Lin –– Str
1/5 Intensity
Advanced Menu
DMX Settings
LED Settings
Presets and Sequences
Local Settings
Copy All Settings
Current DMX In
Network Statistics
Recalibrate Fixture
About Fixture