Hardware Description
ES582.1 - User’s Guide
The module supports all protocols used by INCA, such as CCP, XCP, KWP-on-
CAN and UDS. The protocols CCP and KWP-on-CAN (ISO14230/ISO15765) are
supported only in the classic CAN mode.
The effort for installing and configuring the cost-efficient module is minimal, an
external voltage supply is not needed.
Application Areas
The ES582.1 can be used for the following tasks:
• Recording and acquiring calibration communication data from ECUs via
the CAN bus interface
• Diagnostics of ECUs via the CAN bus interface and J2534 pass-thru
• Vehicle diagnostics and reprogramming via a J2534 pass-thru interface
using application software from third parties
• Flash programming of ECUs
• Connection of ETAS ES3xx modules as well as third-party modules to an
INCA PC via their CAN interface (e.g. Ipetronik or csm modules)
• Integration of the module in the BUSMASTER open source software or
via EBI-IP in application software from third-party manufacturers
The most important properties of the ES582.1 CAN FD Bus Interface USB Mod
ule at a glance:
• 2 independent CAN/CAN FD interfaces:
– CAN High-Speed operating mode CAN FD operating mode
– CAN protocols CAN V2.0a (standard identifier with 11 bit) and CAN
V2.0b (extended identifier with 29 bit)
– Support of ISO-compliant CAN FD and ISO non-compliant CAN FD
– CAN channels isolated from the USB port
– Multi-client access to the same CAN channel (max. four clients can
access the device; two clients per channel)
• Synchronization of measuring channels with INCA
• DSUB connector according to “CAN in Automation” (CiA)
• Simple and direct connnection to a USB port
• No external voltage supply required
• Completely integrated in INCA, part of the ETAS tool suite
• Immune to ambient conditions (temperature, EMC)
• Automotive-qualified module, suitable for use in the development envi
ronment and in the passenger compartment of motor vehicles
• High level of mechanical stability and robustness
Additional technical data of ES582.1 is located in chapter 6 on page 26.