eTactica ehf,
Borgartun 27, 105 Reykjavik, Iceland
+354 535 3000
You need to read the last two letters/digits (hexadecimal) from the unique ID of each
device that represent the Modbus address.
If the unique ID for your EB-312 device is “47.C1.C1.98.AA.5B”, then the Modbus
address is 5B.
For 3rd party devices
For third party devices you need to find or change the Modbus address yourself. This
might be via the LCD screen and buttons on the device, or in the device manuals. Once
you have found/configured the address, enter it just like any other.
When Autodetect is chosen under Device Type the gateway should choose the right
plugin for the device. Some devices don’t' support automatic detection, or, if you don’t
wish to attempt automatic detection, you can choose the plugin manually. Select the
category under device type and then choose the plugin in the Plugin drop down list. By
pressing the
[Advanced] button you will find further configuration possibilities if they are
available for that plugin. There will be a red frame around the
[Advanced] button if the
default values have been changed. There is more information about plugins in chapter