eTactica ehf,
Borgartun 27, 105 Reykjavik, Iceland
+354 535 3000
6 Device Plugins
Add/Remove Device Plugins
The eTactica gateway uses plugins to support all data collection devices, both 3rd party
and our own eTactica devices. These plugin scripts tell the gateway how to access a
particular device, and what values to read from that device. The administration console
lists all the plugins, allows you to add new plugins to support new devices, create new
plugins, edit plugins that are installed and delete plugins that might conflict.
Step 1 - Connect to your Gateway
You need to be successfully connected to your gateway device. If not, see chapter 2,
Step 2 - Go to the plugins page
From the home page of the administration web console of your device, select
Plugins from the top menu.
Step 3 - Add new plug-ins
On the Plugins configuration page, you can see the list of already installed plugins that
the gateway is now able to use for a data collection device access.
To add more plugins to that list, press the
[Choose File] button and select the script file
from your computer to upload to your gateway.