Setting the flow rate
Setting the flow rate
Primary side characteristic curve
Primary side characteristic curves
Using the table, a primary side spread of 30 K results for the secondary side radiator heating (18 kW, 20 K spread).
At 18 kW power and 30 K spread a primary side flow rate of approx. 0.52 m³/h results from the performance chart.
The temperature difference of the heat exchanger of 5 K is already taken into consideration in the table.
Performance chart
Primary spread
Flow - return
Secondary spread
Flow - return
75 °C - 35 °C = 40 K
35 °C - 30 °C = 5 K
75 °C - 33 °C = 42 K
35 °C - 28 °C = 7 K
75 °C - 30 °C = 45 K
35 °C - 25 °C = 10 K
75 °C - 45 °C = 30 K
60 °C - 40 °C = 20 K