Network Controllers Manual
CM1N and RMDP-1N Master Control Modules
Applicable Modules And Options
This covers the following module/options:
CM1N - (P/N 240100)
CM1N-RM - (P/N 240235)
CM1N-SO-RM - (P/N 240236)
CM1N-X-RM - (P/N 240281)
CM1N-SO (P/N 240186)
CM1N-X-SO-RM - (P/N 240282)
CM1N-X-SO - (P/N 240212)
CM1N-SG-SO - (P/N 240527)
CM1N-X - (P/N 240211)
CM1N-SG-RM - (P/N 240529)
CM1N-SG - (P/N 240526)
CM1N-SG SO-RM - (P/N 240531)
CM1N-SG-X - (P/N 240528)
CM1N-SG-X-SO-RM - (P/N 240533)
CM1N-SG-SO-X - (P/N 240530)
RMDP-1N-SO - (P/N 240187)
CM1N-SG-X-RM - (P/N 240532)
RMDP-1N-X - (P/N 240213)
RMDP-1N - (P/N 240132)
RMDP-1N-SG-SO - (P/N 240544)
RMDP-1N-SO-X - (P/N 240214)
RMDP-1N-SG-SO-X - (P/N 240546)
RMDP-1N-SG - (P/N 240543)
RMDP-1N-SG-X - (P/N 240545)
The CM1N(RMDP-1N) is the master controller for single line network
systems. The CM1N(RMDP-1N) incorporates a 2 line, 40 character
alphanumeric LCD display, a keypad for manual control, LED status
indicators and panel control switch's. The LCD display on the CM1N-
RM rack mount version is backlit. The CM1N mounts in a standard
module space. The CM1N-RM installs in an RMOF chasis which mounts
in a CAB 17, 31, or 45 enclosure.
The CM1N-L is a limited address control module. The CM1N-L only
allows 14 addresses for control modules. The additional addresses are
available for annunciators.
The system data base which defines and configure each system is stored
in non-volatile Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory.
(EEPROM). Information is entered and/or modified with an IBM
compatible personal computer.
The CM1N(RMDP-1N) is comprised of a control module motherboard, a
display panel, and the following plug in cards:
A. The CPU card which contains the controller microprocessor, system
firmware, RAM and EEPROM memory.
B. The communications card. Options include class A (style 7) or B
(style 4) RS-485 or serial loop network data lines. Serial data lines
are available in 20 mA loop or fiber optic format. An RS-232
printer/program port is also provided on each communications card.
C. Option Cards. A selection of system input and output cards are
available in a number of configurations.
When supplied as a CM1N, the above circuitry is housed in a protective
cover, which contains the basic system operating instructions. The
RMDP-1N is the 19" rack mounted panel display version of the master