SINFONI Pipeline User Manual
Issue 1.0
Date 2005-10-19
16 of 88
Quick start
This section describes the most immediate usage of the SINFONI pipeline recipes.
SINFONI pipeline recipes
The current SINFONI pipeline is based on a set of 8 stand-alone recipes involved in the data reduction cascade:
si_rec_detlin to evaluate the detector non linearity and generate a corresponding non linear pixel map.
si_rec_mdark to create a master dark and a hot-pixel map.
si_rec_mflat to create a master flat and a map of pixels which have intensities greater than a given threshold.
si_rec_distortion to compute the optical distortions and slitlets distances.
si_rec_wavecal for wavelength calibration.
si_rec_psf for PSF standard data reduction.
si_rec_stdstar for STD standard data reduction.
si_rec_objnod for science standard data reduction.
Additional 8 stand-alone recipes are also provided, that perform useful tasks:
si_utl_skymap to flag sky lines as bad pixels in a “sky map” (for Paranal operations, to prepare input data of
the SINFONI Real Time Display).
si_utl_bp_mask_add to coadd bad pixel maps.
si_utl_ima_arith to do image arithmetics.
si_utl_cube2ima to collapse a cube to an image over a given wavelength range.
si_utl_cube2spectrum to extract a spectrum from a cube.
si_utl_cube_arith to perform cube arithmetics.
si_utl_spectrum_divide_by_blackbody to divide a spectrum by a black body spectrum.
si_utl_spectrum_wavelegth_shift to shift in wavelength a spectrum.