Wherever possible use cycle lanes
Wear a brightly coloured jacket
Use extra caution when you are approaching and passing through intersections /
junctions, since intersection / junctions are the most likely places for bicycle accidents to
Ride where other motorists can see you. Avoid riding in another motorist’s blind spot
Never maintain your Eskuta without proper knowledge. Contact an authorised Eskuta
dealer to inform you on basic maintenance. Certain maintenance can only be carried out
by certified Eskuta engineers
Many accidents have been caused by error of the cycle operator. A typical error made by
the op-erator is veering wide on a turn due to excessive speed under-cornering
(insufficient lean angle for the speed
Always obey the speed limit and never travel faster than warranted by road and traffic
Always signal before turning or changing lanes. Make sure that other motorists can see
Always wear an approved helmet
Wear a face shield or goggles. Wind in your unprotected eyes could contribute to an
impairment of vision that could delay seeing a hazard
The use of a substantial, ‘heavy’ jacket, substantial shoes or boots, protective gloves etc. is
effective in preventing or reducing abrasions or lacerations should you fall from your
Never wear loose fitting clothes; otherwise they could catch on the control levers, wheels
or other moving parts which may cause injury or an accident
Always wear protective clothing that covers your legs, ankles and feet. Never wear shorts
riding your Eskuta
The majority of fatalities from bicycle accidents are the result of head injuries. The use of a
safety helmet is the single most crucial factor in the prevention and reduction of head injuries.
Owners Handbook