Art. No. 11228 V2
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ESERA GmbH, ESERA-Automation 2020
11228 V2.0 R1.0 Manual
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User Guide
8-fold High Power Switching module / binary output
8 x Relay output, 8 x pushbutton input
for 1-Wire Bus-system
8 outputs with high performance relays with
10A / 16A Switching capacity
Separate supply per output
Pushbutton interface for manual control of the
relay outputs
LED display for active output
Switching DC or AC consumers, e.g. lighting,
heating or sockets
DIN rail housing for control cabinet installation
1-Wire Bus Interface (DS2408)
Simple software control
Low space requirement in the control cabinet
Easy to assemble
Before you start mounting the 8-fold digital output 8/8 and put the device into operation, please read these
operating instructions carefully through to the end, especially the section referring on safety instructions.
Product description
With the 8-fold digital output 8/8 DC and AC consumers with a current of 10A continuous current (16A for 3
seconds) can be switched.
The module supports the manual and automatic functions with three control options, push-button on top of the
module, push-button interface and 1-wire bus interface.
The switching module can be controlled directly via an external pushbutton (e.g. light pushbutton) or via a
pushbutton menu on the top of the module, also independently of the 1-wire interface. For this switching function
by push-button, it is sufficient that the 12V supply voltage is present. This ensures an extremely high level of
reliability, e.g. for switching lights, socket circuits or other important consumption, even in the event of failure of a
central controller/software.
To supply the High Power switching module, we recommend the use of one of our 1-Wire Hub modules.