EScale Grob G103C - Instruction Manual
41. Test fi t and epoxy the wing locating pins, two
in each wing.
Screw in the wing retaining eyelet. Use a
small drop of thick CA on the thread of the
eyelet to prevent it coming out.
Repeat for other wing.
42. Install the plywood servo tray using general
purpose silicon and leave overnight.
Mount your receiver, battery and ESC. Test fi t
the canopy before securing anything as the
cockpit fl oor is quite deep.
Secure the battery, ESC and receiver using
velcro strips.
Our test sample required the 3200mAh battery
(to be installed back against the servo tray.)
Install the wing joiner bar and slide the wings
into position, being careful to feed the servo
wires through the holes provided, until the
wings are fl ush with the fuselage. Secure the
wings with the supplied retainer spring.
The spring will attach to the eyelet located on
each wing as shown.
44. Your Grob is now ready for radio setup and
balancing prior to fl ight.