ElectraGlide Instruction Manual
17. To futher reduce sensitivity the wire may be
moved to the inner holes of the servo horns.
(Shown here on the elevator servo)
(Use a phillips head screw driver to remove
the servo horn screw, pull off the servo horn,
change the position of the wire and replace
the servo horn and screw.)
18. The wings should angle up (positive dihedral)
and the horizontal stabilizer and vertical fi n
should line up like shown in this picture.
The better the alignment, the easier and
better the ElectraGlide will fl y.
19. The Electraglide is now fully assembled,
19. The model has been set up to balance out of
the box without the need to add nose or tail
The Centre of Gravity or CofG for the
ElectraGlide is 50mm back from the leading
edge of the wing measured at the wing root
(where the wing meets the fuselage).