Menu 7.3 dhW target hysteresis
Hot water heating hysteresis during operating times.
Settings range +2°C to +20°C / Default: +10°C
Menu 8 is activated when Energy transfer is selected in menu 15.7.1
Menu 8.1 PuMP start teMPerature
Auto = The controller uses the required flow temperature to calculate the optimal
starting temp for the Energy transfer pump.
Constant = The Energy transfer pump will keep the Master Tank temperature above a
fixed value. The desired temperature has to be set in menu 8.3
In both modes the Energy transfer pump will automatically stop if the Slave Tank is
colder than the Master Tank.
Menu 8.2 hysteresis
Master load temp hysteresis.
Settings range +2ºC to +20°C / Default; +7°C
Menu 8.3 target teMPerature
If operating mode "Constant" is selected, (Menu 8.1), the Master load temperature
has to be set here, regardless of required flow temperature.
Settings range 20ºC to 90°C / Default; 70°C
Menu 9 is activated when Solar is selected in menu 15.7.1
Menu 9.1 hysteresis
Solar load temp hysteresis.
Settings range pump on +3ºC to +20°C / Default; +7°C
Fixed temperature pump off ∆T 2ºC
Menu 9.2 PuMP stoP teMPerature
Solar circulation pump stops if temperatures rise above set temperature to protect
the system.
Settings range Off:60 to 150ºC / Default; Off
When pump stop is activated, the temperature in the collector will be very
high, thus the pressure in the system will rise and can damage your system.
Pay close attention to the instructions of the system manufacturer.
Menu 10 is activated when Load pump is selected in menu 15.7.1
Menu 10.1 PuMP start teMPerature
The boiler flue gas temperature at which the load pump will start.
Settings range 30ºC to 250°C / Default; 120°C
Menu 10.2 hysteresis
Load pump temperature hysteresis.
Settings range -2ºC to -40°C / Default; -20°C
Menu 10.3 MiniMuM running tiMe
Minimum running time of the load pump.
Settings range 0 minutes to 30 minutes / Default; 10 minutes
Menu 14.1 frost Protection
Frost protection function can be activated for the heat circuit. If the outdoor temperature
drops below 1 °C and the heat circuit is switched off, the controller switches the heat
circuit back on with the reference temperature set in in menu 14.2 (min. flow temperature).
As soon as the outdoor temperature exceeds 1°C the heat circuit is switched off again.
Frost protection - settings range: on, off / Default: on
Switching the frost protection function off or setting the minimum flow
temperature too low can lead to severe damage of the system.
Menu 14.2 Min. floW teMPerature
The minimum flow temperature is the lower limit for the characteristic curve/slope
and as a result of the reference flow temperature of the heat circuit.
Additionally, the min. flow temperature is the reference flow temperature for the frost
Settings range: 5°C to 70°C / Default: 15°C
Menu 14.3 Max. floW teMPerature
This is used as the upper limit for the reference flow temperature of the heat circuit.
Should the heat circuit temperature exceed this value, the heat circuit is switched off
until the temperature drops below.
Settings range: 30 °C to 105 °C / Default: 45 °C
For safety, the customer must provide an additional limiting thermostat which
is connected to the pumps in series.
Menu 14.4 Max floW 2
Menu 8.4 is activated when Heating circ 2 is selected in menu 15.7.2
Max. flow temperature of the Heating circ 2.
Settings range off to105°C / Default: 45°C
Menu 14.5 anti-legionella
Menu 14.5.1 al function
Anti-legionella function.
Settings range
Menu 14.5.2 al tset
Target temperature for Al heating
Settings range 60°C to 99°C /Default: 70°C
Menu 14.5.3 al interVal
Interval in days between Al heatings.
Settings range 1 to 28 /Default:7
Menu 14.5.4 al heat
Shows last executed Anti-Legionella heating cycle.
Sensor calibration, Remote adjuster, Mixer, etc
Menu 15.1 / 15.1.1 - 15.1.6 sensor calibration
Deviations in the temperature values displayed, for example due to cables which are
to long or sensors which are not positioned optimally, can be compensated for manu-
ally here. The settings can be made for each individual sensor in steps of 0.5°C.
Settings are only necessary in special cases at the time of initial com-
missioning by the specialist. Incorrect measurement values can lead to
unpredictable errors.
Menu 15.2 coMMissioning
Starting the commissioning help guides you in the correct order through the basic
settings necessary for commissioning, and provides brief descriptions of each para-
meter in the display.
Pressing the “esc” key takes you back to the previous value so you can look at the
selected setting again or adjust it if desired. Pressing the “esc” more than once takes
you back to the selection mode, thus cancelling the commissioning help.
May only be started by a specialist during commissioning! Observe the ex-
planations for the the individual parameters in these instructions, and check
whether further settings are necessary for your application.
Menu 15.3 factory settings
All of the settings that have been made can be reset, thus returning the controller to
its delivery state.
The entire parametrisation, statistics, etc. of the controller will be lost irrevo-
cably. The controller must then be commissioned once again.
Menu 15.4 exPansions
This menu can only be selected and used if additional options or expansion modules
have been built into the controller.
The associated supplementary installation, mounting and operation instructions are
then included with the specific expansion.
Menu 15.5 Mixer
Settings are only necessary at the time of initial commissioning by the specia-
list. Incorrect measurement values can lead to severe unpredictable errors.
Menu 15.5.1 ValVe tyPe
Mixer valve operation range could be altered. 90/180/270
example valve 5MG
needs 270°.
Menu 15.5.2 Min. angle
Minimum opening angle of the mixer valve
Settings range: 0 to 20 default 0%
Menu 15.5.3 Max. angle
Maximum opening angle of the mixer valve.
Settings range: 80 to100 default 100%
Menu 15.5.4 direction
Opening of valve CCW - counter clock wise. CW - clock wise.
Menu 15.5.5 turn tiMe
The mixer is switched on i.e. is opening or closing for the timespan set here, then the
temperature is measured to control the flow temperature.
Settings range: 1.0 sec to 3 sec. / Default: 2 sec.
Menu 15.5.6 Pause factor
The calculated pause time of the mixer is multiplied with the value set here. If the
pause factor is “1”, the normal pause time is used, “0.5” will use half the normal
pause time, “4” would quadruple the pause time.
Settings range: 0.1 to 4.0 / Default: 1.0
Menu 15.5.7 increase
If the temperature changes very fast, this value is added to theinfluence of fast flow
temperature rise on mixer reaction.
Influence of mixer reaction is updated once every minute.
Settings range: 0 to 20 / Default: 0
Menu 15.5.8 calibration
Full calibration of valve positions.
Menu 15.6 rooM sensor
The settings necessary for the optional room sensor CRS231 are made in this
The 3 modes “continous day”, “continous night” and “Time controlled/automatic” can
be switched at the CRS231.
Additionally the reference temperature of the flow can be parallel translated by tur-
ning the control wheel. If the wheel is set to minimum, only the minum values that can
be set in the protective functions menu will be used.
In the operating modes “Reference value” and 14day ref.” the remote
adjuster is without function.
Menu 15.6.1 rooM sensor
This value is used to appoint the amount of influence in percent the room temperatu-
re has on the reference flow temperature. For every degree of deviation of the room
temperature from the reference room temperature the percentage of the calculated
reference flow temperature set here is added to or, respectively, subtracted from the
reference flow temperature. As long as it is within the limits of the min. and max. flow
temperatures that can be set in the protective functions.
energy transfer, Menu 8
load PuMP, Menu 10
Protections, Menu 14
sPecial functions, Menu 15
solar, Menu 9