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BRU3 MANUAL, Doc.no: 155 16-ANNA 805 08 Uen, Rev H, 2003-02-07
Synchronous Serial Circuit
An integrated circuit, Z16C35, is used as a synchronous serial circuit with
Direct Memory Access (DMA). The integrated circuit contains two serial ports.
Communication drivers are available in the Mobitex SW.
Main CPU including Memory
The main CPU consists of a MC68EC030-25RP running at 19.2 MHz.
The DRAM is used for data storage and program execution. The Flash PROM
is used to store the system software. There is also a Boot Flash-PROM. The
program file for this area is loaded to the Flash-PROM via the console port
using a VT100-compatible portable PC. (For more information, please refer to
Software Commissioning Procedure in the Commissioning Procedure section of
the BRU3 - General module.)
There are no EPROM, EEPROM or SRAM for the main CPU.
The main CPU also comprises the following functionalities:
Parallel inputs for alarms.
Parallel outputs for LEDs and other controls.
Clock-tick generator, fed by the reference oscillator.
Dual Port Memory
The dual port memory transfers data between the main CPU and the Signal
processing unit (SPU). The size is 2Kbit * 16. The memory is implemented in
a dual port memory chip.