Using Passwords
After passwords have been assigned, each user attempting to access the GTI Configurator software (by typing GTICON and
pressing the Enter key), will see a STATUS window on the screen as shown in Figure 21. At this point the user must type a
valid password and press the Enter key, or just press the Enter key.
EDACS GTI Configurator/Database Manager V1.3
ºPlease Enter Your Password º
ºAt The Prompt - º
º(Press 'Enter' to access Level 0) º
º º
º Password: º
º º
º º
º º
Figure 21 - Status Window Used to Prompt User Password
If the user types and enters an invalid password or just presses the Enter key, the user will be given access to a severely
abbreviated set of operations for functional level 0, and see a severely abbreviated menu in the Main Menu screen. If the user
types and enters a valid password for functional level 1, 2, or 3, the user will be given access to a partial set of operations for
the functional level of the password used, and see a partial menu in the Main Menu screen. If the user types and enters a valid
password for functional level 4, the user will be given access to the complete set of operations, and see the complete menu in
the Main Menu screen.
The user cannot be given access to the set of operations for another functional level without first exiting the GTI Configurator
software, and then re-entering with the valid password for the other functional level. The only exceptions to this would be the
special case where both functional levels have been assigned the same password, or the other special case where a single
asterisk has been used in place of a password assignment (making that level accessible to all users).
Any user with a valid password can change that password by pressing the Shift and F9 keys at the same time while viewing
the Main Menu screen. If a user leaves the GTI Configurator unattended without exiting the software, an unauthorized user
could obtain the current password without the first user’s knowledge (or even change it) by pressing the Shift and F9 keys at
the same time while viewing the Main Menu screen. To prevent unauthorized access to the GTI Configurator, authorized
users should never leave the GTI Configurator unattended without first exiting the GTI Configurator software.
Restoring Passwords
If you are a user of functional level 1, 2, or 3 and forget the password for that functional level, the system administrator can
use the password for functional level 4 to access the GTI Configurator software, look at all four user passwords, and tell you
what your password is. However, if you are the system administrator and you forget the password for functional level 4,
you’re in trouble. To get out of trouble, enter the four characters in the word HELP as your password and record the five digit
Locked number displayed in the STATUS screen for the user password. It will look similar to Figure 22, except that the
Locked number will be different.