4.4 Indications of the Dual-Charger
Fig. 8
Two 12V-batteries are plugged inside the red battery housing. The batteries
are charged separately by the Dual charger.
There is a separate LED on the Dual battery charger indicating the charge of
each battery.
LED continuous orange =
quick charge
LED flashing orange
battery pack is charged at 80% ,
current charging flow is reduced until
battery pack will be charged at 100%.
LED continuous green =
battery pack fully charged, charger
switches to conservation charge
LED flashing green
no battery pack connected, charger
ready for use
The battery pack only is fully charged, if
LED indication lights are
continuously green (not flashing!)
If only one LED is continuously green and the second LED is not green even
if the first LED has been continuously green for already several hours,
either the corresponding charging circuit inside the charger or one of the
two fuses for the batteries‘ charging circuit are defective. In this case please
see point 5.4 „Fuses of the batteries“ on page 25.