You want to enter this event
for the first four Monday nights
in December 2001
, but you’d
rather not enter each of those events
individually. To set up the repeating
options for your event, tap the
“details” button in the lower left-hand
corner of the “create event” screen.
The “event details” screen appears.
The “repeat event” drop-down menu
on this screen has options to set an
event to repeat daily, weekly, month-
ly, or annually. Tap the arrow to the
right of the “repeat event” drop-
down menu.
The “create repeat event” screen
You want your event to
repeat weekly, so tap the “week”
button. A series of options appears.
Your event occurs every week, so
in the “Every: _ Week(s)” field,
enter “1”. To do so, tap inside the
“Every: _ Week(s)” field with the sty-
lus and then type “1” using the
Audrey keyboard. You want your
event to always occur on a Monday,
so tap the box labeled “M” under
“Repeat on:”. If any other days are
highlighted orange, tap them to
un-highlight them.
The default entry for the “End On:”
field is “No End Date”.
At this set-
ting, your event would be entered
into every Monday night beginning
with December 3, 2001 onward. You
want your event to be entered every
Monday night from December 3,
2001 until December 24, 2001. To
enter December 24, 2001 as the
“End on:” date, tap inside the “End
On:” field. The “set date” screen
appears. It shows a calendar with
two horizontal scroll bars above it.
The top-most horizontal scroll bar is
used for selecting the year for your
end date and the one below it is
used to select the month for your
end date. Tap the arrows on either
side of the year-selection horizontal
scroll bar to choose “2001.” Then
use the arrows on either side of the
month-selection horizontal scroll bar
to choose “December 2001.” Next
tap the square on the calendar cor-
responding to December 24, 2001.
You are returned to the “edit repeat
event” screen. The text box at the
bottom of the “edit repeat event”
screen should now read
“Every week on Monday” and
“12/24/2001” should appear in
the “End On” field. Your event’s
repeating schedule is now config-
ured. Tap “okay.”
You can also set an alarm
which will sound at varying inter-
vals before the event.
The default setting for the alarm is
to sound 5 minutes before the
event. You can change the number
of minutes or change from minutes
to hours or even days before the
event. After you leave the “edit
repeat event” screen, the “event
details” screen re-appears. Tap the
box to the right of “alarm” on the
“event details” screen. You will see
a text field reading “5” and a drop-
down menu to the right of the text
field reading “minutes prior.” To
change the number of minutes
before the event you would like the
alarm to sound, drag the stylus
across the “5” in the text field to
highlight it and then type the new
number using Audrey’s keyboard.
To change from minutes to hours
or days, tap the down arrow next
to “minutes prior” and then tap your
selection. Then tap “okay.” When
the “create event” screen appears,
tap “okay” again.
If you want your event to
appear every other week, enter “2”
in the “Every: _ Week(s)” field. If
you want your event to appear
every third week, enter “3” in the
“Every: _Week(s)” field, and so on.
You are returned to the “create
event” screen.
The time span and
date of your event should appear
in the “time” and “date” fields,
respectively. Below these fields is
a large, blank field. Here you can
enter details about your event, either
by typing or scribbling event details.
To type information, tap the “type”
button at the top of the screen and
then begin typing using the key-
board. To scribble information, tap
the “scribble” button at the top of
the screen and then scribble into
the text field using the stylus.
For the purposes of this tutorial,
tap “scribble” and use the stylus
to write “don’t forget sheet music”
inside the text box. If you make a
mistake while scribbling and need
to start over, tap the “eraser” icon
in the upper right-hand corner of
the scribble area to clear the white
text box.
The “shortcuts” drop-down menu
is another element of the “create
event” screen.
Shortcuts provide a
way to access frequently occurring
event description (“pick up the
kids,” “buy groceries,” “after
work...,” etc.). You can retrieve that
description from the “shortcuts”
drop-down menu instead of having
to retype it. Tap inside this menu.
You will see only one item, “edit
shortcuts.” Tap this item and the
“edit shortcuts” screen appears.
At this point you don’t have any
shortcuts to edit, but you can add
one. Assume that piano lessons are
a commonly occurring event in your
life. Tap the “add” button. The “add
a shortcut” screen appears. Enter
the text “piano lessons” and then
tap “okay”. The “edit shortcuts”
screen re-appears, this time with
“piano lessons” listed as your only
shortcut. Tap “okay” again. When
you see the “create event” screen
again, tap inside the “shortcuts”
drop-down menu. Tap the “piano
lessons” shortcut you just created.
Now the text “scribble event: piano
lessons” appears above the text box
in which you scribbled your note
about remembering sheet music.
The “set time” menu appears
(see the image below). There are
two fields here: one for the start
time of your event and one for the
end time. The time in these fields
ranges from 12:00AM (midnight)
to 11:55PM (five minutes before
midnight). The “start time” for
your event is already set to
8:00PM, since you tapped that
hour in the hourly schedule view
to enter the “create event” screen
in the first place. To set the end time
for your event to 10:00PM, tap the
“end time” field to highlight it (it turns
orange), then tap “10” in the hours
vertical selection menu to the right
of the “start time” field (make sure
to tap the “10p” not “10a”). This
sets the hour portion of your event’s
end time to 10PM. Then
tap “00” in the minutes vertical
selection menu to the right of the
hours menu. This sets the minute
portion of your end time to “:00”.
If you do not see either of these
entries in the hours or minutes
scrolling menus, you can use the
arrows at the top or bottom of each
menu to scroll through the available
entries. When you have finished
entering the end time for your
event, tap “okay”.
If at any time in this process
you make a mistake and want to
start from scratch, tap the “clear
time” button to erase the entries
in both the “start time” and “end
time” fields.
If you want to change the start time
for your event. Tap inside the “start
time” text field to highlight it and
then follow the same process out-
lined in the preceding paragraph.
If you set your event without start
and end times (i.e. an all day event),
you can tap the “no time” button and
then tap “okay.”
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