Unless your current month happens
to be December 2001, you will
need to change the displayed date.
The fastest way to do this is to
switch to the Datebook’s “year” win-
dow by tapping the “year”
button at the top of the Datebook
screen. This brings up a 12-month
calendar view. You can move for-
ward or backward in groups of four
months using the arrow buttons in
the lower right-hand corner of the
screen. Once you see December
2001, tap on the date of the first
Monday (December 3rd, 2001).
The Datebook returns to the
“month.day” window
and displays
December 2001 in the monthly cal-
endar and December 3, 2001
in the hourly schedule. You are
now ready to enter the start and
end times for your event. By default,
the hourly schedule shows events
from 8:00AM through 12:30PM in
half hour increments. Since your
event begins at 8:00PM, you will
need to use the scroll control (to the
right of the hourly schedule) to scroll
down to 8:00PM. Once 8:00PM is
in view, tap inside the blank field to
the right of that hour with the stylus.
The “create event” screen appears.
By default, your event is scheduled
for the hour between 8:00PM and
9:00PM. However, the event you
want to enter begins at 8:00PM
and continues until 10:00PM.
Therefore, you need to change the
end time of your event. To do so,
tap inside the “time” text field in
the upper right-hand corner of the
“create event” screen.
Audrey’s Datebook is an easy and convenient tool for
keeping track of your plans. And since Audrey can sync
with your Palm
compatible device’s Date Book, you can be
sure that you are in sync both at home and on the go.
Launch the Datebook by pressing
the Datebook button.
entering events
When the “month.day” window
appears, you will see the monthly
(set to the current month
and year) and an hourly schedule
for the current date. For the purpose
of this tutorial, assume that you are
entering an event that takes place
between 8pm and 10pm every
Monday in December, 2001.
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