As soon as the MAX! Radiator The has
been taught in to the MAX! Cube, all data such as
date, time or week programme are transmitted to it
via radio connection.
The MAX! Radiator The can only be taught-
in on one MAX! Cube.
If the MAX! Radiator The has already been
configured with a MAX! Wall Thermostat
+, a factory
reset must be performed prior to teaching-in for the
first time to a MAX! Cube (see section 11).
MAX! Room Solution
In the MAX! Room Solution all settings and program-
mings (e.g. week programmes) can be made via the
MAX! Wall The.
First activate the teach-in mode of the MAX! Wall Ther-
by pressing and holding down the Boost button
of the MAX! Wall The.
Now activate teach-in mode on the MAX! radiator thermo-
stat+. Press and hold down the Boost button for at least
3 seconds. The teach-in time remaining in seconds is
displayed. The teach-in time is 30 seconds.
> 3 Sek.
> 3 Sek.
If teach-in has been successful, the display returns to
normal display.
MAX! Radiator Solution
In the MAX! Radiator Solution all settings and pro-
grammings (e.g. week programmes) can be made
via the MAX! Radiator The.
In the MAX! Radiator Solution, up to MAX! radiator ther-
and 3 window sensors can be used. All devices
have to be taught-in to each other, i.e. is all MAX! Radia-
tor The and all MAX! Window Sensors have to be
taught-in to each other (max. 7 connections).