Printing with Mac OS X
EPSON Stylus Pro 3800
User’s Guide
Paper Size
Select a paper size and a print area that you want to use.
The print area is listed when you click the arrow mark next to the Paper Size you have
The following table lists the print areas you can select.
Select a printing orientation.
Input a scale to reduce or enlarge the size of your data.
Sheet Feeder
Prints on cut-sheet paper with 3-mm margins in four
Prints on cut-sheet paper with 3-mm margins in four
directions; paper is fed through the rear manual feed
Prints on cut-sheet paper with 3-mm left and right
margins and 20-mm top and bottom margins; paper is
fed through the front manual feed slot.
Sheet Feeder - Borderless
(Auto Expand)
Prints data enlarged on cut-sheet paper without margins
in four directions.
Sheet Feeder - Borderless
(Retain Size)
Prints data on cut-sheet paper without margins in four
directions, while retaining the ratio of the original size.
Manual-Rear - Borderless
(Auto Expand)
Prints data enlarged on cut-sheet paper without margins
in four directions; paper is fed through the rear manual
feed slot.
Manual-Rear - Borderless
(Retain Size)
Prints data on cut-sheet paper without margins in four
directions, while retaining the ratio of the original size;
paper is fed through the rear manual feed slot.