Revision: 2
ESC (S nL nH w1 w2 w3 w4 l1 l2 l3 l4
Ver 1.00
Set paper dimension
1BH, 28H, 53H, nL, nH, w1, w2, w3, w4, l1, l2, l3, l4
[Range of Definition]
nL=04H, nH=00H
0 <= ( w4*10 w3* w2*100H + w1 )*1440/(defined unit) <= 7FFFFFFFH
0 <= ( l4*10 l3* l2*100H + l1 )*1440/(defined unit) <= 7FFFFFFFH
1) Set paper length ( from top-edge to bottom-edge ) and paper width ( from left-edge to right-edge ) in
the defined unit.
2) This command is used to expand the bottom-margin ( 3mm) of printer.
3) Paper length and width is defined by the following formula:
physical paper length = ( l4*10 l3* l2*100H + l1 ) * ( defined unit )
physical paper width = ( w4*10 w3* w2*100H + w1 ) * ( defined unit )
4) This command can be used only during graphics mode, entered by sending the ESC (G command.
5) This command will work effectively only when the defined paper length is the same as the physical
paper length measured by the printer.
6) If some portion of an image extends beyond the bottom edge of the page, then that extended portion of
the image is deleted.
Also, if the defined paper length is shorter than the actual paper length, the portion of an image
beyond the defined paper length will be deleted.
7) Paper width is ignored by the printer.
[Initial State]
[Related Commands]
[Setting] Commands whose settings are affected by this command.
[Setting] Commands that change the effects of this command.
The page control setting unit is set by the ESC (U command.
[Operation] Commands whose functionality is affected by this command.
[Operation] Commands that change the effects of this command.
The initial state is returned to by the ESC @ command.
The initial state is returned to by the ESC(G command.