The program you run to define the configuration settings and
Power Management options of your computer.
Shadow RAM
The function that copies the system video ROM into RAM to
speed up processing.
The programs that enable the computer to perform the tasks
and functions you indicate.
A disk directory that branches down from another directory or
from the root directory.
Suspend mode
The power-saving mode your computer enters after you slide
the suspend/resume switch to the right or it detects a standby
timeout period specified in the Setup program.
An option you can add to a command that modifies the way
the command works. Switches are usually preceded by a /
(forward slash). For example, if you add the /S switch to the
FORMAT command, MS-DOS installs the operating system on
a diskette as it formats it.
See also Parameter.
System disk
A disk containing one of the operating systems used by your
18 Glossary