The highlighted marker that shows your position on the screen
and moves as you enter and delete data.
A set of tracks in a hard disk which can be lined up under one
read/write head. The number of tracks in a disk is equal to the
number of cylinders tunes the number of heads.
The information a computer stores or processes.
Data diskette
A formatted diskette you use to store data files.
Data file
A file you create using an application program (for example, a
memo created by a word processor), as opposed to a file
containing program code.
A value or setting that takes effect when you turn on or reset
the computer. Also, the response to a command that the system
uses unless you provide a different response.
A piece of equipment that is part of a computer system and
performs a specific task, such as your hard disk, diskette drive,
or printer.
Glossary 7