Extended memory
Memory with addresses above 1MB. Extended memory is
generally not available to MS-DOS applications but can be used
by some RAM disk programs, such as VDISK, and some hard
disk caching programs, such as SMARTDRV. Extended
memory can also be used with OS/2 and some versions of
External device
See Peripheral device.
Floppy disk
drive. See Diskette drim.
A group of related pieces of information (sometimes called
records or entries) stored together on a disk. Text files consist of
words and sentences. Program files consist of codes, which
computers use to perform instructions.
Floppy disk
See Diskette.
A key provided on the ActionNote keyboard to access alternate
key functions for the embedded numeric keypad and the
and keys.
To prepare a new disk (or erase an old one) so that it can store
information. Formatting a disk divides it into tracks and sectors
and creates addressable locations on it.
10 Glossary